
McGreeveys’ Judge Decides on Alimony and Child Support-You’ll Get a Better Decision With a N.Y. Family Attorney On Your Side

After three weeks of testimony a judge will decide The monetary and custody issues surrounding the McGreevey divorce.
McGreevey claims he’s broke and cannot afford the amount of money his wife Dina is asking in alimony and child support.
The judge will not offer a ruling for a while and the fraud issue will be next on the agenda. This involves Dina’s claim that she was duped into the marriage because McGreevey needed to have the appearance of having a straight wife. This is according to a New York Family Lawyer.

The lawyers are arguing over the validity of each of the McGreeveys statements against the other.McGreevey abruptly resigned in 2004, acknowledging that he is “a gay American” who had an affair with a male staffer. The staffer denied the affair and said he was sexually harassed by the governor.

The McGreeveys split three months after the speech, leaving the governor’s mansion and going their separate ways.

Both Dina and Jim are in difficult financial straits because of the legal fees they’ve incurred. The whole situation is a mess and very painful for two people whose lives have been ruined.

If you are embroiled in a divorce, a New York Family Lawyer should be of council to you. Since it is for certain that visitation, joint custody and full custody of your children will be argued. A well informed and able attorney will get you a fair and even handed answer to the family difficulties you are facing.

The firm of Stephen Bilkis & Associates with convenient locations thorughout the Metropolitan Area, including servicing The Bronx, New York, can be of invaluable assistance to you if you find yourself a party to a case. Facing the Court without professional representation could lead to disastrous results.

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