
PapaZao Gets Sole Custody of Brit’s Kids

Kevin Federline receives sole custody the children. His lawyer said a new agreement would be approved shortly and Britney Spears would not be the guardian.

Trial averted, Britney Spears and Kevin Federline have reportedly agreed to keep sole custody of the pair’s kids with their rapping dad. “The case has been settled,” his lawyer announced.

Because of the agreement the case will not go to trial and that seems to satisfy both parties.

It seems like most of the previous terms will stay in place and that Britney will be able to have plenty of time with the children. In other words, “Orders in place … will stay in place.”

Spears currently gets two visits and one overnight each week. This is significant because a father got custody over a mother. New York Family Courts standard is what is in the best interst of the child, so a father has a chance to win custody and with a good New York Family Court lawyer on your side that should increase a father’s chances. If you or a family member is involved in a custody proceeding, a New York Family Lawyer is essential for you. Not having an attorney will lead to trouble in terms of not knowing your rights and options and could be very costly to you.

This is not the end of the story. As Spears gets herself more together she will want more time with the kids and probably move for custody. According to a former lawyer in the case, this is only the beginning. If criminal charges are made, a NY Criminal Attorney should be called.

The firm of Stephen Bilkis & Associates with convenient locations helps people throughout the Metropolitan Area including Freeport, Long Island, NY and can be of invaluable assistance to you if you find yourself in a custody case. Facing court proceedings without professional representation could lead to disasterous results.

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