
Teen Parents Give Students a Hefty Dose of Reality

While it is agreed that high school students need to be educated as to the dangers of unprotected sex, for the last twenty years or so the schools have been using the risk of disease and pregnancy as the defining scare tactic to stop young people from having sex, and for the most part, it hasn’t really been working, according to reports by a New York Family Attorney.

Despite the fact that we continue to pump kids full of information and fear in regards to the risk of unplanned sex and irresponsible behavior, the teen birth rate is still 41.5 out of every 1000 births, far higher than other developed nations, reports the New York Family Lawyer. Instead of using disease and pregnancy as the fear factor, however, many schools across the country are adopting curriculum programs that give their high school students another type of reality check, and this one seems to be catching the emotions and the understanding of the young people whom it addresses.

The programs consist mainly of real, financially bound, teen parents who come in and tell their stories and their struggles to the class, according to the New York Family Lawyer. Young people don’t realize that having a child is so much more expensive, emotionally, financially. We have one shot to make it as a parent in this world and when we come at it completely blindsided and unprepared, it is like an avalanche whose effects ripple out farther than we would assume.

These brutally honest programs seem to be having an effect upon young people who were interviewed about them. Many teens were surprised at just how many aspects of life an unplanned pregnancy could alter, which is precisely the point.

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